sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

la casa (estoy empesando a subir en español y en ingles )

En una ciudad de Valencia, que estos hechos ocurrieron noticia llegó al periódico. A mí lo que me dijo alguien del mismo pueblo.
Cinco chicos se reunieron en una vieja y solitaria casa abandonada en medio de la tierra huerto con el fin de hacer que el espiritismo.
Prepararon todo comenzó, y en cada sesión de ese precio, uno de ellos, el portavoz, hizo la cuestión de principio: "Si alguien te molesta aquí, nos dicen que es e ir".
El vaso indicó dos nombres, nombres de los propietarios parecía sorprendido y se despidió de los otros tres. Vuelven a la gente caminando. Y serían más tarde.
Dejaron a los otros tres con su sesión y hablaron a lo largo del camino. Cuando tuvieron pisado un centenar de metros que escucharon un ruido y se volvió: cayó la casa de derrumbarse en los tres chicos que se habían alojado en la sesión.


El chico en cuestión se llama Angel (no es exactamente cierto, pero casi, tenga en cuenta el significado del nombre: Angel). Yo tenía catorce años, y tenía un par de días en el hospital porque vomitaba todo lo que comía y tenía una fiebre alta. Pocos días después de la enfermedad de su cuerpo se había estirado hasta el punto que supera los dos metros cuando se lo puso en la ambulancia, y tuvo que doblar las rodillas en el sofá.
En el hospital, lo hicieron muchas pruebas en busca de una causa. La madre sospecha de un envenemiento, pero ningún médico podía decir lo que estaba mal. Yo sólo tenía catorce años y no había comido nada en días!. Su cuerpo no tolera.
El 8 de abril de ese año, su tía, nervioso e impaciente porque los médicos le llenaron de píldoras sobrino y no ser curadas o averiguar lo que estaba sucediendo, decidió abandonar el hospital y visitar a su pediatra que fue durante años.
La madre salía a caminar por los pasillos del hospital, mientras que Ángel habló con su hermano y su novia.
- Voy a morir.
- No diga eso, dijo que el futuro cuñada- todavía tiene que venir a nuestra boda.
Cuando la madre llegó no dirían nada y los dejó solos. Ángel tomó su reloj, poner la alarma y su madre para detener el reloj de la mesilla de noche, dijo. La madre se volvió, y sonó la alarma.
En el mismo momento de su tía fue bloqueado volante en la puerta del hospital. Un hombre apareció de la nada dicho algo muy misteriosas palabras, e inmediatamente levantó la vista y el chico se había ido. El hombre y el bloqueo de la dirección serán rápidamente reaccionó y dejó el coche para ir de nuevo en el hospital.
Cuando llegó a la habitación, todo el mundo estaba llorando.
Cuando suena la alarma que Ángel había puesto ocho el 8 de abril, su alma abandonó su cuerpo, y su madre sabía desde el momento en que escuchó el pitido inicial.
now I 'm going up in English and Spanish

the house

In a town of Valencia these events occurred which news reached the newspaper. To me what he told me someone from the same village.
Five boys met in an old and lonely abandoned house in the middle of orchard land in order to make spiritualism.
They prepared everything began, and at each session that price, one of them, the spokesman, made the question of beginning: "If anyone bothers you here, tell us who is and go".
The glass indicated two names, owners names looked surprised and said goodbye to the other three. They return the people walking. And they would be later.
They left the other three with his seance and talked along the way. When they had trodden a hundred meters they heard a noise and turned: the house fell collapsing on the three boys who had stayed at the seance.

AT 8

The boy in question was called Angel (not exactly true, but almost, note the meaning of the name: Angel). I was fourteen, and had a few days in the hospital because she vomited everything she ate and had a high fever. Within days of illness his body had stretched to the point that exceeded two meters when they put him in the ambulance, and had to bend his knees on the couch.
At the hospital, they did many tests looking for a cause. The mother suspected of a envenemiento, but no doctor could say what was wrong. I was only fourteen and had not eaten anything in days !. Your body does not tolerate.
On April 8 of that year, his aunt, nervous and impatient because doctors filled his nephew pills and not getting healed or find out what was happening, decided to leave the hospital and visit your pediatrician who was for years.
The mother went out to walk around the hospital corridors while Angel spoke with his brother and his girlfriend.
- I'm going to die.
- Do not say that, he said the future cuñada- still have to come to our wedding.
When the mother arrived they would not say anything and left them alone. Angel took his watch, set the alarm and his mother to stop the clock on the nightstand he said. The mother turned, and the alarm sounded.
At the same moment his aunt was blocked steering wheel in the door of the hospital. A man appeared from nowhere said something very mysterious words, and immediately she looked up and the guy was gone. The man and the steering lock will swiftly reacted and left the car to go back into the hospital.
When he got to the room, everyone was crying.
When the alarm sounds that Angel had put eight on April 8, his soul left his body, and his mother knew from the moment he heard the first whistle.

second story soon

I'll post another story soon

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

first hitoria

there was a very beautiful woman who always lived alone and in the dark. She wore dark clothes and cotes of gothic hair. One day, he decided to change. began to dress more provocatively in and out more often. one of the nights of their outputs met a man that she seemed perfect. He was slender, tall, dark hair medium alvorotado and gray eyes. I invite you to the dance and a few drinks. then she went to the bathroom and the man take and I take a test substance to drink it. cuanbdo she took back his drink, was one began to feel dizzy and man helped her get into the car and took her to his home. on the way she fainted and remained unconscious. when they arrived at the house I took the cam to and naked and tied to the bed. she woke up and asked the man because he was tied up and naked and replied to relax and enjoy the moment one began to touch her and she started screaming but has covered her mouth with a handkerchief. comenso to mourn her and the man she thought he was the indicadoresulto be the worst I take it by force and she cried in pain and impotence, surrendered before him. when the term she was still crying and that that man said last words she heard before he died; "Thank you for this lovely time but I saw marabilloso resisted. she cursed him internally. the term to the life of women. I shot several times, then left. what the ascesino not know was that when a person dies before a espejjo the spirit is trapped in the mirror in the eternida. kluego his death, they caught the asecino and in cancelaro and sentenced to life imprisonment. after several years the man was in his cell when he heard something in the bathroom and when I came over, looked at the mirror and saw a shadow turned and saw nothing. when I looked at the mirror was the woman who had killed years ago. the treatment of screams but could not. She stared at him. empeso there to torture him, I take his eyes, face and short sogui to death when I finish senbtia more continued to bloodlust and killing everyone who ever hurt them hiso. it's been years and she still killing people. deves Watch for the next Might be your ...

y hope you enjoyed, bye :)


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