jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

first hitoria

there was a very beautiful woman who always lived alone and in the dark. She wore dark clothes and cotes of gothic hair. One day, he decided to change. began to dress more provocatively in and out more often. one of the nights of their outputs met a man that she seemed perfect. He was slender, tall, dark hair medium alvorotado and gray eyes. I invite you to the dance and a few drinks. then she went to the bathroom and the man take and I take a test substance to drink it. cuanbdo she took back his drink, was one began to feel dizzy and man helped her get into the car and took her to his home. on the way she fainted and remained unconscious. when they arrived at the house I took the cam to and naked and tied to the bed. she woke up and asked the man because he was tied up and naked and replied to relax and enjoy the moment one began to touch her and she started screaming but has covered her mouth with a handkerchief. comenso to mourn her and the man she thought he was the indicadoresulto be the worst I take it by force and she cried in pain and impotence, surrendered before him. when the term she was still crying and that that man said last words she heard before he died; "Thank you for this lovely time but I saw marabilloso resisted. she cursed him internally. the term to the life of women. I shot several times, then left. what the ascesino not know was that when a person dies before a espejjo the spirit is trapped in the mirror in the eternida. kluego his death, they caught the asecino and in cancelaro and sentenced to life imprisonment. after several years the man was in his cell when he heard something in the bathroom and when I came over, looked at the mirror and saw a shadow turned and saw nothing. when I looked at the mirror was the woman who had killed years ago. the treatment of screams but could not. She stared at him. empeso there to torture him, I take his eyes, face and short sogui to death when I finish senbtia more continued to bloodlust and killing everyone who ever hurt them hiso. it's been years and she still killing people. deves Watch for the next Might be your ...

y hope you enjoyed, bye :)

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